Symfony 6.1.0-RC1 released

Symfony 6.1.0-RC1 has just been released. Here is the list of the most important changes since 6.1.0-BETA2: feature #46335 [Form][FrameworkBundle][TwigBundle] Add Twig filter, form-type extension and improve service definitions for HtmlSanitizer (@nicolas-grekas) bug #46114 Fixes "Incorrectly nested style tag found" error when using multi-line header content (@Perturbatio) bug #46325 [Ldap] Fix LDAP connection options (@buffcode) bug #46341 Fix aliases handling in command name completion (@Seldaek) bug #46317 [Security/Http] Ignore invalid URLs found in failure/success paths (@nicolas-grekas) bug #46309 [Security] Fix division by zero (@tvlooy) bug #46327 [HttpKernel] Allow ErrorHandler ^5.0 to be used in HttpKernel 4.4 (@mpdude) bug #46310 [MonologBridge] Fix LevelName being removed in Monolog 3.0 (@Seldaek) bug #46297 [Serializer] Fix JsonSerializableNormalizer ignores circular reference handler in $context (@BreyndotEchse) bug #46291 [Console] Suppress unhandled error in some specific use-cases. (@rw4lll) bug #46302 [ErrorHandler] Fix list of tentative return types (@nicolas-grekas) bug #46293 [HttpClient] "debug" is missing if a request failed to even start (@weaverryan) bug #45981 [Serializer][PropertyInfo] Fix support for "false" built-in type on PHP 8.2 (@alexandre-daubois) feature #41676 [Console] Table vertical rendering (@yoannrenard) bug #46277 [HttpKernel] Fix SessionListener without session in request (@edditor) bug #46282 [DoctrineBridge] Treat firstResult === 0 like null (@derrabus) bug #46239 [Translation] Refresh local translations on PushCommand if the provider has domains (@Florian-B) bug #46274 [HtmlSanitizer] Fix node renderer handling of self-closing (void) elements (@omniError) bug #46276 [DependencyInjection] Fix lazyness of AutowiringFailedException (@nicolas-grekas) bug #46278 [Workflow] Fix deprecated syntax for interpolated strings (@nicolas-grekas) bug #46264 [Console] Better required argument check in InputArgument (@jnoordsij) bug #46272 [DependencyInjection] Fix resolving parameters found in #[Autowire] (@nicolas-grekas) bug #46262 [EventDispatcher] Fix removing listeners when using first-class callable syntax (@javer) feature #46153 [MonologBridge] Add support for Monolog 3 (@Seldaek) bug #46199 [HttpKernel] Handle previously converted DateTime arguments (@mbabker) bug #46216 [Form] fix populating single widget time view data with different timezones (@xabbuh) bug #46221 [DomCrawler][VarDumper] Fix html-encoding emojis (@nicolas-grekas) bug #46220 [Console] Fix fish completion script (@wouterj) bug #46167 [VarExporter] Fix exporting DateTime objects on PHP 8.2 (@nicolas-grekas) Want to upgrade to this new release? Because Symfony protects backwards-compatibility very closely, this should be quite easy. Use SymfonyInsight upgrade reports to detect the code you will need to change in your project and read our upgrade documentation to learn more. Want to be notified whenever a new Symfony release is published? Or when a version is not maintained anymore? Or only when a security issue is fixed? Consider subscribing to the Symfony Roadmap Notifications.

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Erstellt 2y | 14.05.2022, 19:20:41

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