LateNightTales BadBadNotGood (2 LP)

Hersteller LateNightTales
1. Boards Of Canada - Olson
2. Erasmo Carlos - Vida Antiga
3. Gene Williams - Don't Let Your Love Fade Away
4. The Chosen Few - People Make The World Go Round
5. Esther Phillips - Home Is Where The Hatred Is
6. Delegation - Oh Honey
7. Velly Joonas - Kaes On Aeg
8. Stereolab - The Flower Called Nowhere
9. Kiki Gyan - Disco Dancer
10. Admas - Anchi Bale Game
11. Francis Bebey - Sanza Nocturne
12. Thundercat - For Love I Come
13. River Tiber - West (feat Daniel Caesar)
14. Charlotte Day Wilson - Work
15. The Beach Boys - Don't Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)
16. Donnie & Joe Emerson - Baby
17. Les Prospection - Lido
18. Grady Tate - And I Love Her
19. Badbadnotgood - To You
2 0. Steve Kuhn - The Meaning Of Love
21. Lydia Lunch - You, Me & Jim Beam
Typ: LP Schallplatte
Typ: Album

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