Conectores de componentes eléctricos

Conectores de componentes eléctricos

Esta es una traducción automática generada por un software: Adaptador especial para un conector original DPA MicroDot y TA-3F Switchcraft que conecta la d: línea fina de micrófonos de auriculares DPA,
Esta es una traducción automática generada por un software: Adaptador especial en miniatura para un Lemo de 3 pines que conecta la línea de micrófonos de auriculares de la DPA: la serie d: screet de m
Adapter that connects the d:fine line of headset microphones, the d:screet series of miniature microphones as well as the d:vote range of instrument microphones to Sennheiser Evolution/G2/G3/D1, X2 Di
Adapter for powering Miniature Microphones via standard P48 phantom power. Designed for use with miniature microphones from DPA. Belt clip is included. This adapter is active-signal balanced, which im
Special adapter for an original DPA MicroDot and a TA-4F Switchcraft connector that connects the DPA's d:fine line of headset microphones, the d:screet series of miniature microphones as well as the d
Special original DPA microdot to TA-4F Switchcraft adapter that connects the DPA's d:fine line of headset microphones, the d:screet series of miniature microphones as well as the d:vote range of instr