Accesorios para guitarra

Accesorios para guitarra

Se trata de una traducción automática por software:Behringer ha diseñado un soporte de guitarra acústica plegable para un fácil transporte y almacenamiento. Este ligero marco en A cuenta con una const
Se trata de una traducción automática por software:Aumente el volumen, el volumen o la modulación con el extraordinario CONTROLADOR DE PIE FCV100. Este pedal versátil funciona igual de bien como pedal
Se trata de una traducción automática por software:¡Una recreación auténtica de un clásico vintage, el Behringer Dual-Phase seguramente complacerá a los fanáticos del maravilloso trino de fase de los
Robust 7-band EQ pedal for electric and electric-acoustic guitar that shapes the sound and eliminates unwanted feedback. Pedal offers a wide frequency range – from 100 Hz to 6.4 kHz, with a powerful 1
Se trata de una traducción automática por software:El OCTAVE DIVIDER es una auténtica recreación del popular Octave Divider de los años 70. Cuenta con un efecto de sub-octava que hace temblar la tierr
Classic compressor/limiter effects pedal for electric guitar that "smoothes out" volume peaks and provides endless sustain with ultra-stable dynamics. That results in delivering a powerful, percussive
Tremolo effect pedal for electric guitar that offers the classic, warm and mind-bending tremolo effects of vintage ‘60s amps. It provides dedicated Rate, Wave and Depth controls for awesome sound shap
Digital stereo reverb effects pedal for electric guitar that is comparable to state-of-the-art studio processors and delivers 24-bit high-resolution stereo reverbs including Spring, Plate, Hall, Gate,
Analog bucket-brigade delay effect pedal for guitar with up to 300 ms of delay and optionally separate wet and dry outputs that provides true analog delay experience and vintage vibe of real slap-back
Optical wah pedal for electric guitar or bass guitar with adjustable frequency range that provides an array of tone-sculpting options and total optical control for wear-and-tear-free pedal operation w
3-mode octaver effect pedal for electric bass guitar that allows for creating a monster sound by adding 2 additional tones using the guitar—1 and 2 octaves below the original tone. Pedal provides dedi
Kicking the ULTRA VIBRATO UV300 into action is like putting an invisible, automatic whammy bar on your guitar. From the gentle, pulsing rhythms of the ocean surf, to the wild, whirling effects of a ro