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Is Canva Becoming Relevant for Professionals?

Canva. if you talk to a professional designer about Canva, the first reaction is usually an eye roll, followed by a joke about Word Art (Anyone remember Office 2000?). It is there, it’s free-ish, but

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How to Create an App out of a Website

Turning a website into an application involves adapting and extending the functionalities and design of the website to fit the framework and user expectations of a mobile, desktop or web app. Let’s se

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Persuasive UX Research and Design Strategies

here’s more to achieving good UX than research and design. We need to effectively communicate our ideas to gain buy-in from key stakeholders. How do we share our findings with diverse audiences in a w

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Best AI Tools for SEO & Content in 2024

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Design System: Lessons Learned

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Exploring rare em unit usage

text-decoration-offset is a good use case for em units. Most of the time we favor rems over ems, but in this case we want the text underline offset to proportionally scale with the font-size propert

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Insights from Our Designer Engagement Survey

It’s been a horrible year for design. Mass layoffs from 2023 continued and got even worse. AI is threatening to take creatives’ jobs, designers need to go through up to 11 rounds of interviews to fina

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