Nora β€” Never rebuild project management system in your Notion again

β€œ Hi ProductHunt community πŸ‘‹,

I'm Minh-Phuc, I quit my 9-5 job 2 months ago to build 6 startups in 12 months.

Nora is my second product. It a Notion template that solves painful problems of project management in Notion instead of looking beautiful.

I've tried many templates and rebuilt project management in Notion myself many times but many of them are just cool & beautiful but doesn't solve painful problems of project & task management:

  • Couldn't move any task from In Progress to Done in a day because you got stuck to a too big task. Nora makes it super easy to create & manage sub-tasks for everything, including a task that is already a sub-task of other.

  • No estimate system: having to actively think of due date of every tasks is overwhelming and as a project gets bigger, has more tasks & sub-tasks, manual estimate is impossible. Nora has an auto-estimate system works seamlessly with the infinite sub-tasks, allows you to see an estimated due date & progress of everything: projects, sprints, big tasks, small tasks, etc.

  • No sprint tracking: if you want to do sprint tracking, sprint is simply group of tasks with a deadline. Thanks to the estimate & infinite sub-tasks system, sprint tracking is available with any extra work, you'll see a total estimated hours & current progress of your sprint and its tasks.

  • Your backlog has too many outdated tasks, sometimes you even avoid looking at it. Nora has a smart outdated task system that allows you to easily identify outdated tasks & get rid of them in <2 minutes.

  • Sometimes you just look at your backlog and don't know what to do. Nora has a builtin tool that helps you find what to do based on your current energy level and what you feel like doing.

If any of these problems resonated with you, use PH50OFF to get 50% of Nora and save hundreds of hours wasting on rebuilding or not knowing what to do with project management system in your Notion.

Thank you πŸ₯³πŸ™ ”

    – Minh-Phuc Tran

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Created 2y | May 23, 2022, 7:21:17 AM

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