4Later — Your reading list, notes, and followers all in one place

“ I typically consume a lot of content (mostly text) every week so that I can share the best of it in It Depends, my weekly newsletter. My workflow is something like this:

  • Discover article somewhere - twitter, other newsletters, some rabbit hole or the other.
  • Either read it right away or store it in my Roam graph with a "read later" tag.
  • Revisit this list when I have time and go through the articles.
  • Take notes on the articles in Roam
  • Go through this list on Saturday and select the best ones to share with everyone. This copy-pasting of links everywhere has always bothered me. It feels clumsy, and I often feel lazy and don't do it.

SoI built 4Later to bring together your reading list, your notes, and your followers all under one umbrella. This is how it works.

  • You install the Chrome extension from the Chrome store.
  • You sign up and sign in on it. Now you are set to go.
  • Grab the next interesting page you come across and add it to your links to read later.
  • Take notes when you read these links right in the extension.
  • Share the really interesting stuff with your followers. Your submissions will show up just like an RSS feed in their extensions.
  • If you are mostly interested in discovering and reading rather than sharing things, you can head over to the Discover tab of the website to see the latest submissions and follow the members you like.

Let me know what you think. The goal is to remain in flow while we go about finding and reading stuff on the internet. Hopefully 4Later can help ”

    – Kislay Verma

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Created 2y | May 24, 2022, 7:21:54 AM

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