Linen — Make Slack and Discord communities Google-searchable

“ Hi Everyone,

Kam here, I'm the founder of It is a way to make your Slack/Discord communities Google-Searchable. Linen will sync your Slack/Discord threads and make it SEO friendly so your community can find content that was previously hidden.

Previously I worked on a popular open source project which had a sizable Slack community. Community chat was was great for engaging with community members and with early sales. However as community scales Slack/Discord becomes this black hole where context becomes lost. Most public communities can’t afford to pay for several hundred/thousand members so they are limited to 10,000 free messages for Slack. In both Slack and Discord you run into the problem of people asking repeat questions and not searching. It also doesn’t help that the chat UX encourages posting and not searching. We experimented with Github discussions and Discourse but didn’t want another channel to maintain and split the community on.

With Linen I wanted to build a tool that is very low maintenance without changing my current workflow. By making it search engine friendly and putting it on a website the community members can find answers to repeat questions before ever getting into your Slack channel. Linen is the first result that comes up on Google if you search for “seeing a weird issue with flyte" or “replace beast http with proxygen osquery”.

As a side effect of syncing conversation to a website you end up with a very long tail of unique and relevant content for your community. Linen is free to use and get setup but I offer a paid version where you can get the content redirected to your own subdomain where your domain gets all the SEO benefits.

We currently have communities with over 83,000 members combined and over half a million messages synced.

Checkout on some of our feature communities:

You can sign up for free today at I am doing manual onboarding at the moment to get better feedback and to manually walkthrough some of the less polished parts of the boarding flow.

Best, Kam ”

    – Kam Leung

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Created 2y | May 24, 2022, 7:21:57 AM

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