Sales Dialer For Mobile — Make more calls, No Dialling and Automated voicemail drops

“ Hey All 👋

I’m Gaurav Sharma CEO of JustCall, a modern phone system for fast-growing businesses. In the last 5 years, we have powered tens of millions of phone calls for sales and support teams and now we’ve moved on to tackle the next big challenge faced by sales teams, ‘Sales velocity’!

Today, we are super excited to launch the Sales Dialer mobile app, a platform to help you 2X your sales velocity and increase your closure rates.

If your reps are burnt out manually dialing calls and your campaigns suffer from low contact and closure rates, we can help you apply automation and leverage to your sales cycle.

What is Sales Dialer? Sales Dialer is an outbound phone dialer system that helps you to create automated call campaigns and eliminates the need for manual dialing. From campaign analytics, answering machine recognition, call scheduling, creating teams, and more it has all the features that are essential for the success of a sales calling campaign.

Seamless integration with CRMs like HubSpot, Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, Outreach, and more ensures that you can create campaigns and execute it natively without switching windows.

The Sales Dialer mobile app helps you with all the functionality of the Dialer in an intuitive app that can be downloaded and operated by your Sales Reps while on the move!

How to run campaigns on the go with the mobile app?

  1. Create lists and initiate campaigns from the mobile app
  2. Access call scripts while making calls
  3. Record call dispositions and call notes on your phone
  4. Track campaign performance with the campaign analytics dashboard
  5. Monitor KPIs like calls made, calls answered, abandonment rate, time spent on call,s and more.

Download the app and save up to 12 hours a week ⏰ for your sales team!

Try it now - ”

    – Gaurav Sharma

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Created 2y | May 25, 2022, 8:21:12 AM

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