Shedding Light on Dark Mode design: Fashion Fad or Functional Must-Have?

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Creating a global design system

This idea split a lot of virtual ink and even led to a podcast episode exchanging ideas around this theme. Between disruptive ideas and killing some time discussing the concept, there is yet no clear

May 3, 2024, 8:50:19 AM | Web - Worth to read
Improving JavaScript Speed and Responsiveness

JavaScript is a versatile and powerful language used for building interactive web applications. However, as applications grow in complexity, it’s important to optimize the performance of your Ja

May 3, 2024, 8:50:17 AM | Web - Worth to read
Enhancing Styling Flexibility

While the CSS :has() pseudo-class is widely celebrated for its ability to select a parent element up the chain conditionally based on its contents, there is more conditional logic it is capable of han

May 3, 2024, 8:50:15 AM | Web - Worth to read
Transforming Design Practices

Imagine a design team that takes months to perfect a product’s user interface without user feedback. They’ve put in a lot of time, effort and resources. Then, they discover a shift in the market

May 3, 2024, 8:50:13 AM | Web - Worth to read
Rethinking Design Pricing: Strategies for Fair Compensation

Choosing between flat and hourly rates involves weighing various pros and cons, which can differ significantly across design disciplines. Opting for a flat rate, however, usually reflects a high degre

May 3, 2024, 8:50:11 AM | Web - Worth to read
Framer’s Masking & Workflow Upgrades: What’s New?

Framer’s update empowers designers with a new masking feature for creative effects. Layers can be masked with gradients or images, and stacked for intricate layouts. Improved collaboration and w

May 3, 2024, 8:50:08 AM | Web - Worth to read
Exploring WebGL: Dynamic Model Textures and Radial Noise

Today, I’d like to share a cool WebGL experiment that draws inspiration from a discovery on Pinterest. The demo highlights two interesting visual effects. Firstly, it features a seamless texture trans

May 2, 2024, 6:50:14 PM | Web - Worth to read