Show HN: Running TempleOS in user space without virtualization

TempleOS is an experimental OS designed to be simple and self-hosted with a JIT compiler. I was mesmerized by it but didn't like the hassle of using virtual machines to boot it up and move files around from the virtual drive.

My project lets you run TempleOS as an app of some sort instead of using a virtual machine to run it - this brings a lot of benefits like speed, seamless filesystem integration (virtual machine development with stock TempleOS is really a pain.), command-line mode where you can code in HolyC on the command line instead of TempleOS' GUI.

Its user-space nature lets it do networking quite easily with the FFI - it even features an IRC server, client and a wiki server!

I've also added a bunch of third-party games and software written for TempleOS on the Community folder, I hope you people take a look and enjoy!

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# Comments: 9

Created 2mo | Apr 12, 2024, 6:30:19 PM

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