Show HN: Comprehensive inter-process communication (IPC) toolkit in modern C++

If you work in C++, and you would like 2+ programs to share data structures (and/or native I/O handles a.k.a. FDs) among each other, there is a good chance Flow-IPC

- will make it considerably less annoying to code than typical approaches; and

- may massively reduce the latency involved.

Those sharing Cap'n Proto-encoded data may have particular interest. Cap'n Proto ( is fantastic at its core task - in-place serialization with zero-copy - and we wanted to make the IPC (inter-process communication) involving capnp-serialized messages be zero-copy, end-to-end.

That said, we paid equal attention to other varieties of payload; it's not limited to capnp-encoded messages. For example there is painless (-- I hope!) zero-copy transmission of arbitrary combinations of STL-compliant native C++ data structures.

To help determine whether Flow-IPC is relevant to you we wrote an intro blog post. It works through an example, summarizes the available features, and has some performance results.

Of course there's nothing wrong with going straight to the GitHub link and getting into the README and docs.

Currently Flow-IPC is for Linux. (macOS/ARM64 and Windows support could follow soon, depending on demand/contributions.)

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# Comments: 22

Created 2mo | Apr 14, 2024, 4:40:05 AM

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