Show HN: Drivr – VR with real vehicles [video]

This project combines VR with a real vehicle that you are controlling (or is controlling itself, in some scenarios). One advantage this has over traditional VR motion experiences is that your senses all agree with each other, thus greatly reducing the likelihood of motion sickness.

The go-kart seen in this video is drive-by-wire and steer-by-wire, so the system will not let the player exit the defined safe area. If a player goes off course, the vehicle will take control, and return them to the start. The autonomous capabilities also allow for games where the player can focus on other objectives other than driving, such as target shooting.

No infrastructure is required other than the vehicle and an open place to drive (which honestly has been the most challenging part lately).

If you're interested in this project, I'd love to connect!

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Created 22d | May 18, 2024, 2:40:07 AM

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