Show HN: Shorebird 1.0, Flutter Code Push

Hey HN. Eric Seidel here (former lead of Flutter & Dart at Google, prev. YC S06).

I founded Flutter and led the team for almost a decade. One of the constant questions we got was would we support code push like the web/react native: I left Google about a year ago and set out to build a company around Flutter and decided to start with code push.

It took us a year to build. We had to build a new toolchain for Dart and a custom interpreter (for store compliance). But it works! Our beta has already been used by thousands of apps. Most (eventually all) of the code is open source on GitHub.

I’ll be around all day to answer Flutter and Shorebird questions. We run our company in the public on Discord and are happy to take questions there too. Would love to hear your thoughts.

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# Comments: 23

Établi 2mo | 8 avr. 2024 à 23:20:11

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