Show HN: I made a Mac app to search my images and videos locally with ML

Desktop Docs is a Mac app that lets you search all your photos and videos in seconds with AI.

Once you find the file you're looking for you can resize it, export it to Adobe Premiere Pro, or drag and drop it into another app.

I built Desktop Docs because I keep tons of media files on my computer and I can never remember where I save stuff (lots of screenshots, memes, and downloads). The Apple Photos app also only supports photos in your iCloud.

Desktop Docs supports adding folders or individual files to an AI Library where you can search by the contents of your files, not just file titles.

You can search by objects ("cardboard box"), actions ("man smiling", "car driving"), by emotion ("surprised woman", "sad cowboy"), or the text in the frame (great for screenshots or memes).

It's also 100% private. Make any media searchable without it ever leaving your computer.

How I built it: - 100% Javascript (I'm using Electron JS and React JS). - Embedding generation (CLIP from OpenAI is used to compute the image embeddings and text embeddings for user queries). - Redis (storing and doing KNN search on the embeddings with this DB). - Image/video editing (the app ships with FFmpeg binaries to explode videos into individual frames and scale images).

Demo: " rel="nofollow">

If there are any features you'd like to see in Desktop Docs or want to learn more about how I built it, drop me a comment below. Happy to share more.

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Points: 16

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Établi 20d | 15 mai 2024 à 21:50:11

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