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Na vývoji mladičkého vesmíru se zřejmě podepsaly ohromující bubbletrony

Když čerstvě zrozený vesmír vychládal, procházel fázovými přechody, v nichž mohla realita bublat nesmírně energetickými bublinami, které se navzájem srážely, extrémně urychlovaly částice a vyráběly exotické objekty. Tyto úžasné bubbletrony mohly rozvlnit vesmír gravitačními vlnami, které bychom s trochou štěstí mohli zachytit i dnes.

10mo |
Severokorejci předvedli velký torpédový dron, co by mohl nést jadernou hlavici

V severokorejském Pchjongjangu se odehrála vojenská přehlídka. Mimo jiné tam defilovaly torpédové drony, které by měly být podobné ruskému systému Poseidon, především ve schopnosti jaderného útoku z moře. Na rozdíl od Poseidonu ale určitě nemají jaderný pohon ani možnost vypuštění z velké ponorky, což značně omezuje jejich případné nasazení.

10mo |
Be Barrier Free

I am sure that I am not alone in thinking, “My site is so small; I don’t have to worry about it”. “I have a focused user base; everything is fine.” “Nobody has complained, so it must not be a problem.”

The post Be Barrier Free appeared first on php[architect].

10mo | PHP Architect
Managing Successful SEO Migrations via @sejournal, @TaylorDanRW

Set your migration up for success and a better user experience. From an initial drop in traffic to redirects, here's everything you need to know.

The post Managing Successful SEO Migrations appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Námořní slavnost a přilehlé fresky z Akrotiri

Freska zvaná Námořní slavnost neboli Procesí lodí patří k významným výtvarným památkám egejské doby bronzové. Pochází z Akrotiri na Théře (Santorini), nejspíše ze 17. století před n. l. Doprovázejí ji další fresky, často také s námořní tematikou.

10mo |
Google Updates Product Ratings Policies On Automated AI Content via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Google updates its policies on Product Ratings, encouraging merchants to mark reviews with primarily automated and AI-generated content as spam.

The post Google Updates Product Ratings Policies On Automated AI Content appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Google Expands Site Names For Subdomains On All Devices In Four Languages via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Google announces site names for subdomains on all devices in four languages and shares a workaround for unselected preferred site names.

The post Google Expands Site Names For Subdomains On All Devices In Four Languages appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

OpenAI Publishes Tutorial For AI-Generated Meeting Minutes via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Discover how OpenAI's GPT-4 and Whisper models could revolutionize the way we transcribe and summarize meeting minutes with AI automation.

The post OpenAI Publishes Tutorial For AI-Generated Meeting Minutes appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Generative AI could undermine upcoming elections in US and India, startup warns

AI image generators could undermine upcoming elections in the world’s biggest democracies, according to new research Logically, a British fact-checking startup, investigated AI’s capacity to produce fake images about elections in India, the US, and the UK. Ea

10mo | The Next Web
European consumers believe society isn’t ready for AI, survey finds

The rapid rise of AI has evoked mixed feelings to say the least. Some experts champion it as a “force for good,” while others forewarn it poses a “risk of extinction.” To assess how European consumers feel about artificial intelligence, decision intelligence c

10mo | The Next Web
These antimicrobial spacesuits could solve astronauts’ laundry woes

Wardrobe malfunctions are never fun. When on Earth, they might be a nuisance or prove somewhat embarrassing. In space however, they could be a matter of life and death. Not to mention, how do you handle, uhm, laundry on the Moon? The European Space Agenc

10mo | The Next Web
O osminohých zlatých přadlenách

Staré pohádky jsou půvabné příběhy propletené tajemstvím, fantazií i poučením. Taký je i reálný svět kolem nás, plný živých organismů – rostlin, tvorů, tvorečků. Čím jsou pro nás běžnější, všednější, tím méně se o ně zajímáme, natož abychom obdivovali jejich překvapivé vlastnosti či schopnosti. Koho potěší pavouk jakoby levitující ve vzduchu, ve skutečnosti zachycený na vlastním, téměř neviditelném vláknu? Je jemné, pružné, sestaveno z mnoha ještě tenčích bílkovinových fibril, přesto mnohem pevn

10mo |
Hlavním spouštěčem Sněhové koule mohlo být apokalyptické soptění

Naše Země před 717 miliony let zmrzla na kost. Bylo by skvělé vědět proč. Pokročilé datování zirkonu z pravěké lávy v kanadské Arktidě potvrzuje jako hlavního podezřelého katastrofální soptění Franklinovy velké magmatické provincie, které o 1-2 miliony let předcházelo příchodu Sněhové koule.

10mo |
VanMoof: What startups can learn from the rise and fall of an ebike superstar

Since launching in 2009, VanMoof, known for its sleek, high-tech city bikes, developed an almost cult-like following — from the streets of Amsterdam to New York.  Today, what was once the world’s most-funded ebike startup is bankrupt, leaving riders angry,

10mo | The Next Web
These tiny robotic tentacles could travel into the lungs to treat cancer

Scientists have developed tiny robotic tentacles that travel into the lungs to detect and treat cancer. The device is just 2.4 mm in diameter and ultra-soft.  It’s sent to the periphery of the lungs from the end of a bronchoscope — a thin tube with a light an

10mo | The Next Web
Google Shares How It Treats .AI Domains For SEO via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google's Gary Illyes answers a question about the SEO considerations of using the .AI top level domain which is associated with a Caribbean island

The post Google Shares How It Treats .AI Domains For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

European startups: I think we’re going to need a better battery

Next year, a Dutch company will put a new kind of battery in a drone and — if all goes according to plan — that drone will fly for 50% longer than it could with a standard lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. Flight times of nearly an hour, say, rather t

10mo | The Next Web
ArtXibition Free CSS Template

The ArtXibition Template has a Responsive layout with 4 Columns and uses an HTML 5 doctype.

     <p>It is a Dark on Light design developed by "Tooplate".</p>

10mo | Css
Microsoft’s Teams and Office bundling may breach EU competition rules

On Thursday, the European Commission opened an antitrust investigation into Microsoft’s bundling of its Teams app with its Office suite, which includes Word, Excel, and Outlook. The EU is concerned that this practice may be in breach of the bloc’s competition

10mo | The Next Web
Announcing OverflowAI

Let’s highlight the new features and products we announced today from the stage of WeAreDevelopers.

The post Announcing OverflowAI appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Magie materiálů: DNA potažená nanosklem je čtyřikrát pevnější než ocel

Pevný jako sklo. Zní to bláznivě, ale sklo je opravdu neuvěřitelně pevné, pokud ovšem v jeho struktuře není žádný kaz. Toho téměř není možné dosáhnout, pokud ovšem nevyrobíte sklo tenčí než jeden mikrometr. Když takovým ultratenkým sklem potáhnete důmyslně navržené řetězce DNA, dostanete tak pevný a zároveň lehký materiál, že před ním ocel červená studem.

10mo |
New zinc battery tech can store and produce green hydrogen on demand

While our transition to renewable energy is critical if we are tomeet our climate targets, fully relying on sources such as solar and wind still presents a major challenge: efficient and sustainable storage. Now, a German research consortium led by Fraunhofer

10mo | The Next Web
Lead Scoring: The Value In B2B Marketing via @sejournal, @macuraa

Unlock your company's full potential with lead scoring and increase revenue. Read the best practices to follow, including types of lead scoring, benefits, and more.

The post Lead Scoring: The Value In B2B Marketing appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

The Best Time To Post On Instagram In 2023 via @sejournal, @theshelleywalsh

To find the best times to post on Instagram, in this article, discover insights from a range of data studies from social media tools.

The post The Best Time To Post On Instagram In 2023 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and Anthropic Form AI Safety Forum via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Learn about the Frontier Model Forum, an initiative by OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and Anthropic to ensure the safe and responsible development of frontier AI models.

The post OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, and Anthropic Form AI Safety Forum appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Berlin tech companies join forces to plant trees when you travel by train

German multi-modal travel unicorn Omio has teamed up with compatriot search engine Ecosia to create a tree-planting rail travel booking tool. It means users will be able to search and book train journeys through Ecosia’s website, powered

10mo | The Next Web
Meta Earnings Call: AI Improves UX For Over 3 Billion People via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Learn how Meta's AI innovations are boosting DAUs and MAUs in each of its top social platforms in the Q2 2023 earnings call.

The post Meta Earnings Call: AI Improves UX For Over 3 Billion People appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Google’s AI Innovations Drive Search & Ad Performance: Q2 2023 Insights via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Alphabet's latest earnings call provided insights into how Google is leveraging generative AI to evolve its flagship Search product.

The post Google’s AI Innovations Drive Search & Ad Performance: Q2 2023 Insights appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Europe stockpiles €7B of Chinese solar panels in bid for energy security

When Russia cut off Europe’s gas supply following the invasion of Ukraine, it exposed the vulnerable underbelly of a continent largely reliant on imported energy.  To be fair, the bloc responded pretty quickly by sourcing gas from other countri

10mo | The Next Web
Europe’s largest ever solar telescope set to enter construction phase

Seven European countries have joined forces to begin construction of the European Space Telescope (EST) — the largest of its kind to ever be built in the continent. On Tuesday, nine research institutions from the participating nations (Czechia, Germany, Slova

10mo | The Next Web
Oh, the 4-Day Workweek? We Crushed It. So Can You. via @sejournal, @Amanda_ZW

A four-day workweek experiment at SEJ revealed inefficiencies, led to better work-life balance, and showed that saying "no" can increase productivity.

The post Oh, the 4-Day Workweek? We Crushed It. So Can You. appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Germany syphons €20B from climate pot to fund chip fabs

Germany’s finance ministry is investing €20bn from its climate fund to bolster local production of semiconductors — critical components in everything from smartphones to fridges. The money will be doled out to a handful of chipmakers by 2027,

10mo | The Next Web
Top 42 Viral Videos Of All Time via @sejournal, @gregjarboe

The viral video landscape has changed dramatically over the past 18 years. But a couple of critical success factors have remained. Discover what they are.

The post Top 42 Viral Videos Of All Time appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

AI startup launches ‘fastest data processing engine’ on the market

Paris-based and female-founded AI startup Pathway has announced the general launch of its data processing engine. Reportedly, it is up to 90x faster than existing streaming solutions, and promises to be the “fastest data processing engine on the market.

10mo | The Next Web
Success Of Four-Day Workweek: An Interview With SEJ CEO, Jenise Uehara via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

New study shows companies maintain reduced hours and boost performance with a four-day workweek, supported by SEJ CEO Jenise Uehara's experiences.

The post Success Of Four-Day Workweek: An Interview With SEJ CEO, Jenise Uehara appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Masivní galaxie téměř bez temné hmoty je políčkem kosmologickým modelům

Čočková galaxie NGC 1277 ze souhvězdí Persea, vzdálená asi 240 milionů světelných let, je několikrát hmotnější než Mléčná dráha. Přesto, jak se zdá, neobsahuje temnou hmotu. To je skandální. Pokud se toto pozorování potvrdí, budou na tom kosmologové muset pořádně zapracovat.

10mo |
What Does The Norwegian Meta Behavioral Ads Ban Really Mean? via @sejournal, @brookeosmundson

The Norwegian order imposed a three-month ban on personalized and behavioral ad targeting against Meta, starting August 2023.

The post What Does The Norwegian Meta Behavioral Ads Ban Really Mean? appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Threads App Update Includes For You And Following Feeds via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Explore the latest updates on the Threads app by Instagram, including a chronological following feed, organized notifications, and translations.

The post Threads App Update Includes For You And Following Feeds appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Why upskilling opportunities should be at the top of every job seekers list

The tech sector is in the throes of a so-called “double disruption,” dealing with the economic fallout of a two-year pandemic and wrestling with the swift advance of AI at the same time. What it means for workers is simple: half of us will need to re-skill in the

10mo | The Next Web
European aerospace giant to study plans to ‘harvest’ solar energy in orbit

Thales Alenia Space will fine-tune plans to “harvest” solar energy in orbit, the European firm announced on Monday. Named Solaris, the project aims to provide Earth with energy from space-borne solar power plants. The idea emerged amid an EU push to reach net-z

10mo | The Next Web
Google Encourages Performance Max Upgrade For DSA And GDA via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Learn about Google's new upgrades to Performance Max campaigns for DSA and GDA advertisers to move toward unified campaign strategies.

The post Google Encourages Performance Max Upgrade For DSA And GDA appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Can new advances in AI bring the ‘human touch’ chatbots are sorely missing?

When chatbots first became commercially accessible, companies big and small embraced them with open arms. “Have a robot handle easy customer service questions in seconds? Amazing!” — we thought. The problem was, these early chatbots were less C-3PO and more an an

10mo | The Next Web
Digital nomads reveal the best — and worst — things about the lifestyle

Laying in a hammock on a tropical island with a cold beverage in one hand while the other types leisurely away at a keyboard surely sounds like heaven. But what is the digital nomad life really like? And where are the best places to work remotely fro

10mo | The Next Web
Apple hit with $1B UK lawsuit over ‘abusive pricing’ in App Store

More than 1,500 developers in the UK are suing Apple over the company’s “excessive” App Store fees. The £785m (€912m) class action lawsuit is seeking compensation for the developers, who pay the iPhone-maker commissions of up to 30% for in-app payments. Companies

10mo | The Next Web
How To Manage Crawl Budget For Large Sites via @sejournal, @wburton27

Prioritize the crawling and indexing of important and updated pages to optimize Googlebot's crawl budget. Here are 12 tips you need to know.

The post How To Manage Crawl Budget For Large Sites appeared first on Search Engine Journal.