Combining CSS :has() And HTML 

Amit Sheen demonstrates using :has() to apply styles conditionally when a certain <option> in a <select> element is chosen by the user and how we gain even more conditional styling capabilities when chaining :has() with other pseudo-classes, such as :not() — no JavaScript necessary.

Létrehozva 21d | 2024. máj. 2. 12:30:03

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EGYÉB POSTS Ebben a csoportban

Best Practices For Naming Design Tokens, Components, Variables, And More

How can we get better at naming? This post is dedicated to naming conventions, tips, and real-world examples that help you name things in a robust and flexible way.

2024. máj. 23. 10:30:04 | Smashing magazine
Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That

It’s easy to get lost in a sea of CSS frameworks and libraries, each promising easier styling and smoother layouts. Brecht De Ruyte demonstrates four CSS utility classes (plus a bonus) using technique

2024. máj. 22. 16:20:04 | Smashing magazine
Hidden vs. Disabled In UX

Should you hide or disable a feature? You’ve probably been there before. Here are some considerations for hiding versus disabling, along with possible alternatives to improve UX. An upcoming part of [

2024. máj. 21. 10:40:02 | Smashing magazine
Building A User Segmentation Matrix To Foster Cross-Org Alignment

Is there such a thing as harmony between designers and developers in the workplace, and if so, how can it be achieved? In this article, Chris Day explores the challenges of effective collaboration, ou

2024. máj. 17. 22:20:13 | Smashing magazine
Beyond CSS Media Queries

Juan Diego Rodriguez explains why media queries still occupy a vital role in responsive layouts; only they are now one tool in a larger toolbox with modern techniques that are best when used together.

2024. máj. 16. 16:40:15 | Smashing magazine
Transforming The Relationship Between Designers And Developers

Is there such a thing as harmony between designers and developers in the workplace, and if so, how can it be achieved? In this article, Chris Day explores the challenges of effective collaboration, ou

2024. máj. 15. 12:50:04 | Smashing magazine
Why Designers Aren’t Understood

How do we conduct UX research when there is no or only limited access to users? Here are some workarounds to run UX research or make a strong case for it. An upcoming part of [Smart Interface Design P

2024. máj. 14. 14:10:06 | Smashing magazine