Double Side Brushless 30A 50A 2-3S RC Car Boat ESC Vehicle Models Parts

Description Additional features Support reversing functionSupport Banpo startThrottle position error prohibits startingAutomatic learning of throttle strokeError signal to turn off powerThe receiver gives an alarm without signal and turns off the output Multi function adjustment motor characteristicsTwo way 1 1 power output direct reverse fast speed and good control linearity No need to calibrate the throttle stroke plug and play Precautions for use 1 This equipment is designed for battery energy and other types of power sources cannot be used If other power sources are used the equipment or the power source may be damaged 2 This device is a remote control model product and cannot be used on a manned system to prevent3 This equipment is a high power electronic product it will generate a lot of heat during work please pay attention to maintain the forced air cooling condition4 This equipment has a power supply voltage detection system inside Please use the shortest possible connection cable when connecting to the battery and ensure that there is a battery with sufficient current In order to avoid wrong action of the voltage system and affect the use 5 This equipment is not allowed to drive 2 or more motors at the same time to avoid malfunction Two way 30A ESC1 Voltage range 7 4V 11 1V 4 12NIMH 2 3LIPO 2 Internal resistance 0 003 MR3 Selected high performance field effect tubes4 Single cell LIPO protection voltage 3 0V5 Continuous working current 30A6

Price history

Apr 18, 2022

