The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads

A parenting guide tailored to gay dads in the post-DOMA era, featuring advice from pediatricians, educators, lawyers, and other same-sex parents. More and more gay men are turning to adoption and surrogacy to start their own families. An estimated two million American LBGTQ people would like to adopt, and an estimated 65,000 adopted children are living with a gay parent. In 2016, The Chicago Tribune reported that ten to twenty percent of donor eggs went to gay men expanding their families via surrogacy, and in many places the numbers were up fifty percent from the previous five years. Having a kid is like coming out all over again—daily—especially if you have an infant. If you found coming out stressful, it’s about to get more intense. You will have a child observing your every word and action. If you stutter or pause, they could pick up on your discomfort and may begin feeling like something is wrong about their family unit. But don’t worry! This guide is packed with tools to build your confidence and become the awesome dad you were meant to be. Unlike other parenting books with whole chapters dedicated to mothers (such as how to get the perfect latch when breastfeeding), this book offers subjects more relevant to gay fathers. It addresses how to find LGBTQ-friendly pediatricians and schools, how to childproof your home with style, how to answer potentially awkward questions about your family from strangers (like “Where is their mother?), how two-dad families can celebrate Mother’s Day, and much more. The book also includes tips and advice from pediatricians, school educators, lawyers, and other same-sex parents.

Price history

Jan 22, 2023
Jan 21, 2023
Jan 14, 2023
Jan 1, 2023
Dec 31, 2022
Dec 24, 2022
Dec 23, 2022
Dec 11, 2022
Dec 10, 2022
Dec 3, 2022
