Distance Education a System under Stress (An in-depth Study of the Indian Institute of Correspondence Courses)

Distance Education has been in existence In India tor the Last three decades. Vertical and horizontal expansion that il has made during these years has enabled it to establish lis toothotd m the realm ol higher education ol the country. Apart from covering over veth of the total population of students in colleges and universities, distance education has opened vast new avenues o( higher education and skill development for those persons whom the rigours of the work-a-day world either have derived ol the opportunity of higher education or have tied them down to those occupations which iirfit into their living or potential competence. While these years witnessed this system making an amazing progress, they have Drought to the surface manifold problems that it sutlers from. These problems call tor an urgent attention ol the derision-makers at various levels. Unless an early solution to them is found and the working ot the system is streamlined, distance education would not be able to deliver the goods in as great a measure as expected of it. This volume seeks not only to portray the system in its minutest details but also bring out each and every problem that cripples its funclioning. Ettorts nave also been made to otter side by side, solutions to those problems. Based on practical experience, relevant documentary evidence, field surveys and above all, the learned literature, this book provides a vivid and delated account of the system both in its micro and macro forms

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Aug 20, 2022

