Lost in the System

Jaded, 24th century grifter Smullian O’Toole has been sentenced to 1000 days of Life Modification Therapy. The system transports his consciousness into different 21st century hosts. On day 777, he hears a disembodied voice utter, “Father to the Fatherless.” What seems a simple code hiccough traps him in hosts associated with missing teen, David Hawthorne. As he attempts to find the boy, Smullian is plunged into the depths of his own childhood trauma, peeling back the façade he’s placed between himself and the world. Smullian thought the Father to the Fatherless only cared about David but realizes the Father also wants to save him. Lost in the System explores what would happen when an unsaved person comes face to face with a holy God. Instead of a moral person surrounded by a sea of immoral people, Lost in the System depicts one unsaved person surrounded by a sea of believers. It attempts to address the hard questions unbelievers often ask about Christianity, such as “How can God let bad things happen to his children?”.

Price history

Jan 15, 2023
Jan 14, 2023
Jan 7, 2023
Jan 6, 2023
Dec 25, 2022
Dec 24, 2022
Dec 13, 2022
Nov 27, 2022
Nov 26, 2022
Nov 19, 2022

