Summary of Michael Blank's Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing

Get the Summary of Michael Blank's Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing in 20 minutes. Please note: This is a summary & not the original book. Original book introduction: Real estate investing expert and author Michael Blank learned that once investors did their first deal, the curious Law of the First Deal led to the second and third deals in rapid succession. Most were able to quit their jobs within 3-5 years of getting started. Of course, when most people hear "apartment buildings" they immediately assume they need years of investing experience and money saved up to be able get into the game. This simply isn't true. Michael has compiled the results of his research into his new book, Financial Freedom with Real Estate Investing: The Blueprint to Quitting Your Job with Real Estate - Even without Experience or Cash. He's outlined the Financial Freedom Blueprint that guides you through your first multifamily deal, even if you have no prior experience or your own cash.

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Nov 9, 2022
