Messiah in Both Testaments

This work identifies some of the major messianic prophecies of the Old Testament and shows their New Testament fulfillment in Christ. “THE MOST AMAZING DRAMA that ever was presented to the mind of man—a drama written in prophecy in the Old Testament and in biography in the four Gospels—is the narrative of Jesus the Christ. One outstanding fact, among many, completely isolates HIM. It is this: that one Man only in the history of the world has had explicit details given beforehand of His birth, life, death and resurrection; that these details are in documents given to the public centuries before He appeared, and that no one challenges, or can challenge, that these documents were widely circulated long before His birth; and that anyone and everyone can compare for himself the actual records of His life with those old documents, and find that they match one another to a nicety. The challenge of this pure miracle is that it happened concerning one Man only in the whole history of the world” (D. M. Panton). To focus attention on the unparalleled wonder of this literary miracle, think for a moment: who could have prewritten a life of George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, or any other character, five hundred years before he was born? Nowhere in any of the literature of the world, secular or religious, can one find a duplicate to the astounding miracle of the prewritten life of Christ. “The inspiration of that portrait came from the Heavenly Gallery, and not from the studio of an earthly artist” (A. T. Pierson). So amazing is this miracle of the pre-written life of Christ and its perfect fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth that “Nothing but Divine prescience could have foreseen it, and nothing but Divine power could accomplish it.” As the full evidence is presented, all thoughtful readers will agree that “the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man, but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (2 Pet. 1:21).

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Nov 9, 2022
