The Best of Times, the Worst of Times

The book is a collection of essays written by Dr. Vishwambhar Nath who had retained his interest in Economic Development and Planning in India throughout his life. He was associated with the Planning Commission since its inception in 1950. He worked for the Planning Commission for 14 years from 1950-66 with a break from 1960-63 and in research and writing until 2002 when he died suddenly. The chapters contained in the volume discuss the essential ingredients in planning for development—objectives, ideology, goals and resource endowments available and their utilization to maximize the rate of economic growth and development of social sectors. It gives a survey of natural resources, need for regional planning, identification of the regions, regional disparities in economic and social development etc. It further details the experience ol the country during 50 years of planning from 1950-2000 and goals and strategies for development up to 2020. Although several of his writings on Regional Development and Planning. Planning tor Urban Growth and Metropolitan Cities and ‘Rural Development’ as well as ‘Administration and Development Planning’ have beeafcetng brought out in volumes dealing with these areas, this volume touches on these subjects and goes on to discuss regional distribution of industries and entrepreneurs, growth poles m the economy issues of sustainable development and contribution of bureaucrats, entrepreneurs and managers in the planned development process as well as that of the public and private sectors. Finally, the author reminiscences on tne excitement that was aroused during the initial period of development planning as well as decline In the expectations from the planning process and its Importance. He conjectures that while the planning for economic development will continue in India, the age of Five Year Plans is over!

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Nov 19, 2022
