The Legend Makers Some Eminent Muslim Women of India

The Series, This multi-volume series evaluates the functioning of Panchayati Raj System in India from political, sociological, legal, anthropological and economic perspective, in the light of 73rd Constitutional Amendment. Giving an in-depth understanding of the status of Panchayati Raj in different states, it addresses a wide range of issues concerning empowerment of women and dalits, multi-level planning, finance, people's participation, state-local relationship, capacity building of Panchayat functionaries, socio-political and economic transformation, common resources management, leadership in Panchayati Raj institutions and theoretical nuances of local bodies. The Volume, This volume deals with the financial status of panchayats in Indian states. Across the country states are not giving adequate attention to fiscal devolution towards the panchayats. Panchayats are facing series of crises and mostly they are financial in nature. Since the State Governments are facing financial crisis they are not in a position to devolve adequate resources to the panchayats. Recommendations of the State Finance Commissions have not been implemented. Despite provisions in the Constitution, many states are reluctant even to constitute State Finance Commissions. Some of the State Finance Commissions have submitted their reports but there was no action on the part of the state governments. Only a few states are committed to financial devolution. Experiences of the states have been captured and analysed.

Price history

Nov 19, 2022
