Reflections and Reminiscences of Police Officers

Bacteriology, the branch of biology devoted to the study of bacteria- Bacteriologists are concerned with the structure and functions of bacteria, with the environmental conditions that affect bacterial growth, with the effects of bacteria on the other organisms, and with the uses for bacteria. Bacteriology is important in medicine, public health and sanitation work, agriculture, food-processing, and industry. There are many branches of this science, each dealing with special problems that have arisen from the complex effects that bacteria have upon civilization. The relation of bacteria to disease has given rise to the sciences of pathologic bacteriology (conceming treatment and causes of disease),immunology (concerning immunity to disease), antiseptic surgery veterinary bacteriology, and sanitary bacteriology. The book is intended as a reference book for practical classes of under-graduate and postgraduate students for studying bacterial diseases of plants. The book covers basic and applied aspects of the subject. Contents: introduction; Diversity of Metabolism in Prokaryotes; The Norma! Bacterial Flora of Humans; Epidemiology; principles of Diagnosis; Nutrition and Cultivation of Bacteria; Nutrition and Growth of Bacteria; Staphylococcus.

Price history

Nov 19, 2022
