Encyclopaedia of Eminent Thinkers Volume-30 (The Political Thought of Sir Pherozeshah Mehta)

This publication titled, "Applied Chemistry" provides readers with an introduction to applied chemistry and its sub-disciplines. An elaborate introduction to applied chemistry and its branches is made. Other branches of applied chemistry are also covered. The importance of related sciences and materials in applied chemistry is analyzed. The role of related processes and materials in applied chemistry is discussed. Further, the role of chemical industry, materials, reactions and other rules in applied chemistry is described. This publication has requisite glossary, bibliography and index. Contents: Introduction to Chemistry and Its Subdisciplines; Introduction to Applied Chemistry and Its Branches; Introduction to Other Branches of Applied Chemistry; Importance of Related Sciences and Materials in Applied Chemistry; Role of Related Processes and Other Materials in Applied Chemistry; Role of Chemical Industry, Materials, Reactions and Other Rules in Applied Chemistry.

Price history

Nov 19, 2022

