Remember the King

“You may not understand your calling in the Lord fully, but I assure you, you are called to do great things.” ~Jacob English, Pastor Twelve-year-old Phillip tends the family sheep and cows as he wrestles with the notion of his being known before he was formed. Through an encounter with the "King of the Holy Word," Phillip learns of a purpose and destiny far greater than he could ever imagine. But there is war in the land. The Great Dragon seeks to destroy Philip and those he loves. Now, Philip must rise to his calling, overcome his adversaries and fight for his King. Through this allegorical tale, pastor and teacher, Jacob English, reminds readers that God is looking for the men and women whom he knew and ordained to go into the earth and do his will. Will He recognize you as the one He created you to be? Are you doing what God has called you to do? That is the only thing that matters in life. The ones who have done His will are the ones who will hear “well done.” Know where you are from, what you are meant to do, and how to address the Lord's call upon your life. You are called to do great things! About the Author: Jacob English pastors in a small town in Georgia with his wife Molly and kids. He enjoys spending time with his family, running businesses, preaching, writing, music, and occasionally playing video games. His godly ambitions are to start a Christian school, and a missions college and to plant many churches around the world with the simple yet powerful goal of preaching and demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit to the world.

Price history

Jan 25, 2023
