Adenomyosis -The Bad Cousin of Endometriosis

So many women are suffering alone and in silence from a dreadful, relatively unknown disease called adenomyosis, and they don't even know it. Too often, women have been told its simply a condition they need to live with. But every day, they have to build their lives around heavy, painful periods. They stay at home, wear black clothing, and have little or no energy to do the things they want in life. Many women diagnosed with infertility or endometriosis, are not aware that they may also have adenomyosis, its evil cousin, which is far more debilitating and not as well known. Could it be Adenomyosis? reveals what women need to know in order to get their life back and stop being controlled by this disease. It offers life-changing information to rescue their uterus and bring themselves back to a life of health and vitality. Whether you've been given a diagnosis, have symptoms, want to heal or are looking for information to decide on treatment options, Could it be Adenomyosis? has the answers and is a must-read for both patients and medical practitioners alike.

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