60 pushups each day for 30 days

. Finito | Sollevamento

60 pushups each day for 30 days

Data d'inizio : 29 ott 2021
Data di fine : 29 nov 2021
Genere : Salute
Status: Approvato
Progresso : 2220 / 1800 - 100%
Calories per step: 0.3
Total burned calories: 666 / 540 Media giornaliera: 31.03

Registro delle attività
Mmm7777 added +60 and burned 18 calories on 3y


31 ott 2021, 06:53:58
Mmm7777 added +60 and burned 18 calories on 3y


30 ott 2021, 11:54:28
Mmm7777 added +60 and burned 18 calories on 3y


29 ott 2021, 14:39:36