Thousands of Tesla jobs mysteriously vanish from EV maker’s websites after mass layoffs and ongoing turmoil

Working at Tesla just got a lot more competitive—as in, practically impossible. At least for now. That’s because the 140,000-person company, which recently laid off a huge chunk of its workforce, now seems to be in a near-complete hiring freeze, Quartz reported today.

Just weeks ago, over 3,400 positions were available across the U.S., Mexico, and Canada. Now, only three can be found on Tesla’s job board.

Tesla jobs can be found on LinkedIn, too. However, only one is available for U.S. workers, and it’s an internship for the company’s manufacturing development program. Most of the positions available on the job-seeking site are based in China.

Tesla did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The disappearing posts come shortly after the company announced its fourth round of layoffs. On April 14, Elon Musk announced that 10% of the workforce would be cut, noting that the move was due to “duplication of roles and job functions in certain areas,” Business Insider reported. Six executives have left, either because their teams were dissolved during the layoffs or they resigned.

The department responsible for Tesla’s electric vehicle charging network was hit by layoffs this month too. Tesla’s Supercharger team leaders posted social media messages saying they were told that the entire group, about 500 employees, had been let go by Musk. “Unfortunately the charging organization at Tesla is no more,” Lane Chaplin, one of the team leaders, wrote on LinkedIn.

Following the mass layoffs, the company also rescinded offers it had extended just last week to would-be interns. Several disappointed students who had their offers taken back vented their frustrations on LinkedIn.

“At 8:46am, I opened a Tesla email for flight info,” wrote Miami University in Ohio student Joshua Schreiber in a now-viral post. “By 11:25am, my internship offer was gone.”

Brook Gura from the University of Texas at Austin shared a similar story: “This summer, I was excited about the opportunity to work as an intern for Tesla. Yesterday I received a call that, with just three weeks to my start date, my offer was rescinded.”

Strangely, this isn’t the first time Tesla has removed all job postings in recent weeks. After layoffs began last month, the company removed all North America job postings but restored them days later.

Utworzony 1mo | 8 maj 2024, 23:10:04

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