Use Type Annotations for Safer Code

By adding type annotations to your collections, the Dart analyzer will warn you if you add values of the wrong type.

Utworzony 26d | 22 maj 2024, 08:10:04

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How to use defaultTargetPlatform and kIsWeb

To detect the current platform, check for kIsWeb beforehand and use it together with defaultTargetPlatform, which doesn't import dart:io.

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The Universal Platform Package

With the Universal Platform package, you can perform platform detection with a unified syntax on all platforms, including web, without errors.

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Taking Screenshots with the Flutter CLI

How to use the Flutter CLI to save screenshots from connected iOS and Android emulators

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Useful Aliases for Flutter App Development

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Prefer const over final over var

Const is for hardcoded, compile-time constants. Final is for read-only variables that are set just once. Var is for variables that are set more than once.

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How to Define Type Aliases in Dart

Here's how to use typedef to define type aliases for your function and non-function types in Dart.

22 maj 2024, 08:10:04 | Code with Andrea
May 2024: Flutter 3.22, Firebase Data Connect, Wasm Updates, Dart Macros Preview

Also included in this edition: Google I/O news, new Flutter features, creating custom linter rules, how to run JavaScript in Flutter, and more.

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