Show HN: PBT – A property-based testing library for Ruby

Hello HN,

I introduce a property-based testing tool for Ruby. Ruby's ease of test-writing and rich ecosystem are widely acclaimed. However, property-based testing is not as widely used as in other languages such as Haskell or Elixir, and I think this is because there is no de facto testing tool.

This gem currently not only has the basic functionality of stateless property-based testing but also has the following features:

- Support verbose mode that allows you to see its shrinking procedure and algorithms.

- Support several concurrency/parallel executions of each test. As of now, Ractor/Thread/Process are available. (The default is sequential, considering benchmark results and actual use cases)

Happy hacking!

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Points: 65

# Comments: 4

Utworzony 24d | 22 maj 2024, 16:10:04

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