

First Friends makes children's first year of learning English motivating and fun. A regular unit cycle and engaging support resources help you create a positive learning environment where children can
Kniha: First Friends 2 Activity Book; Autor: Iannuzzi Susan; A two-level beginners' course for young children that integrates the teaching of phonics, reading, writing, and numeracy. Key features Fun,
A fun two-level course for very young learners that develops vocabulary practises phonics and teaches family values.First Friends 2nd Edition has all the popular features of the first edition that tea
Living a quiet life in the suburbs, Sophie Brinkmann is captivated by the handsome and sophisticated Hector Guzman. She has no idea that beneath Hector’s charm lies something far more dangerous. Hecto
Random House | 2 Obchody
Kniha: First Friends 2 Numbers Book; Autor: Moir Naomi; A two-level beginners' course for young children that integrates the teaching of phonics, reading, writing, and numeracy. – – Key features Fun,