

Enter Hillary Clinton: a seasoned politician with a slick PR team and the majority of the world's media behind her. Now enter Donald Trump: a brash reality TV star with a penchant for aggressive outbu
Kniha: Winnie Flies Again Storybook with Activity Booklet; Autor: Thomas Valerie Harper Katherine; Winnie Flies Again is a storybook about a witch and her cat. The story is told in simple language and
A MAN SEARCHING FOR A HOME HE CAN'T FIND. A WOMAN BOUND TO A HOME SHE CAN'T LEAVE. Nora is an unflinching frontierswoman awaiting the return of the men in her life, biding her time with her youngest s
Šokující vzpomínky žen, které prošly peklem německého nacistického vyhlazovacího tábora Osvětim-Březinka. Kniha vznikla na základě rozhovorů autorky s každou z hrdinek. Leokadia Rowińská se do tábora
Víkend | 2 Obchody
Hot on the heels of the Netflix show based on #GIRLBOSS comes Sophia Amoruso's new workbook of tips, doodles and fill-in-the-blanks that will help women become their best Girlboss yet. A graphic and w