
komentáře od Mmm7777
2y | 16. 12. 2021 12:49:21
Yes, PHP Is Worth Learning/Using in $Current_year
This is true at least in 2021. PHP is evolving, going with more strict data types (method return types, variable types), lot of new language constructs like implicit constructor parameters, spread operator ... but it is still interpreted language. For small to medium projects (like 10k - 600k LOC) with tens of millions visits per month it could be easily primary language.

Just my 2 cents, better starts with PHP, because you can relatively fast see some results instead of starting new project with RUST / Go / Crystal / Elixir or whatever is currently in hype and you are not sure if selected language have all requirements you need in your project.
16. 12. 2021 12:49:21
2y | 16. 12. 2021 12:35:46
Don't start with microservices – monoliths are your friend
Can be said, that each time start with monolith, because it easier. If you grow, you can set up required microservices, which is highly optimized for current task.

Problem with microservices, when you are starting is communication, separation and you dont clearly see, which function should that microservice really do. Because usually each service must have access to database layer, then you dont know if databases should be separated or not.

Problem with monolith is basically harder horizontal scaling, but you can, in these days, scale vertically, server configurations are pretty powerful these days. Then if your website will work, you can start thinking of microservices.

So starts small, if project grows, just try to separate services.
16. 12. 2021 12:35:46
3y | 31. 10. 2021 15:47:17
31. 10. 2021 15:47:17
3y | 30. 10. 2021 23:49:48
Developer's resume with fake buzzwords gets 90% replies, the actual one gets 0%
Life is a random game full of random characters doing random things.
30. 10. 2021 23:49:48
3y | 21. 10. 2021 14:51:57
Redesigning the Symfony Docs Website
Good job. Documentation is more readable.
21. 10. 2021 14:51:57
3y | 20. 10. 2021 15:50:24
20. 10. 2021 15:50:24
3y | 15. 7. 2021 9:48:21
Google Fined €500 Million For French News Negotiation Breach via @sejournal, @RebekahDunne
Most of journalists are useless people writing about fashion / celebrities and other useless things.

Google should behave like private company a cut off these "newspapers" out of google search, then we will see power of these wise sentences from newspapers around the world.
15. 7. 2021 9:48:21
3y | 13. 7. 2021 7:15:23
Podcast 357: Leaving your job to pursue an indie project as a solo developer
Nice interview, with a little bit of architecture and tools used.
13. 7. 2021 7:15:23
3y | 12. 7. 2021 20:50:35
12. 7. 2021 20:50:35