Jana Kratochvílová – Listen And Follow

Původní LP Jany Kratochvílové z roku 1981 s bonusovou skladbou "I Play My Part For You (Publikum tvé jsem já)".
For a young girl she is unusually uncompromising – and that is a good thing. Jana Kratochvílová has (or so it seems at least) an anbolutely clear and concrete idea of the line her singing should follow, of the repertoire she wants and of the musicians she needs behind her on the concert platform and in the recording studio. The fact that she has changed her groups several times (having performer, apart from others, with Expanze, Martin Kratochvil’s Jazz Q and František Janeček’s Kroky), does not indicate any artistic groping. It is obvious that she is trying to find a group fully corresponding to her fullbooded rock style, her concert ideas on the contemportary form of rock songs and her ideal as regards recordings made in a recording studio…
Jana Kratochvílová does not rank among the singers who are upset by not appering in a recording studio every month. Concealed behind…

Historie cen

28. 5. 2023
5,94 €