Learners - New Words in Action 1 - Ruth Tan

Výrobce Scholastic
New Words in Action is a threebook series which presents 180 words (60 per book) that have been recently added to the dictionary. Each word is clearly explained with a definition, example sentences, and a humourous, contextual cartoon in plain everyday English. This unique approach promotes reading and deepens understanding, making the learning of what can be a tricky topic fun and effective for learners of all levels.

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Knihy Dobrovsky
New Words in Action is a threebook series which presents 180 words (60 per book) that have been recently added to the dictionary. Each word is clearly explained with a definition, example sentences, and a humourous, contextual cartoon in plain everyday English. This unique approach promotes reading and deepens understanding, making the learning of what can be a tricky topic fun and effective for learners of all levels.