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edition book
Nové vydání English File, ještě lépe fungující a plně aktualizované.učebnice je nově rozdělena na 12 lekcíaktualizované texty a poslechové úlohypřehledný nový designkomponenty v tištěné i digitální po
A new edition of the best-selling English File, improved throughout with brand new digital components to use inside and outside the classroom. English File Third edition – the best way to get your stu
OXFORD | 3 Obchody
Kniha: Speakout 2nd Edition Pre-Intermediate Students´ Book w/ DVD-ROM Pack; Autor: Clare Antonia; Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills ar
Pearson | 2 Obchody
Kniha: Speakout 2nd Edition Intermediate Plus Students´ Book w/ DVD-ROM Pack; Autor: Clare Antonia; Speakout's two new levels build on the existing course to bring you high-interest content at Interme
X-WEB | 2 Obchody
zcela nový pětidílný kurz určený pro studenty českých středních škol, kteří se připravují na NOVOU MATURITU z anglického jazyka přehledná, jednoduchá stavba lekce: jedna stránka = jedna 45minutová hod
Kniha: Business Result DVD Edition Elementary Student´s Book + DVD-ROM Pack; Autor: Grant David, Hughes John, Turner Rebecca; Business Result helps those who need to communicate better in English at w
The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can alwa
An enhanced edition of the popular English course for secondary students, now with a multi-dimensional package to cater to a range of abilities in the classroom. A new, refreshed edition of the five-l
A five-level English course for teenagers, with a supportive approach to teaching speaking and writing, and a focus on exam preparation. Solutions' simple structure and guided approach to learning sup
English level: Elementary A two-level, topic-based course with an emphasis on culture for children who have done two years of reading and writing. Happy Earth bridges the gap between primary and secon
Učebnice Gateway to Maturita je koncipována tak, aby studenty vedla k úspěšnému zvládnutí zkoušek. Připravuje studenty i na další studium a na trh práce.V této učebnici nakladatelství Macmillan zachov