
Kniha: Maria Sibylla Merian; Autor: Kiecol Daniel; – Vědkyně, umělkyně a objevitelka: obrazy květin, motýlů a nejrůznějších druhů hmyzu, působivě barevné a plné propracovaných detailů, jež po sobě zan
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An expansive and shrewdly curated collection of the most cutting-edge, effective, and appealing breakthroughs in home architecture, perfect for aspiring professionals, ambitious design firms, and anyo
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The architecture of the Italian Renaissance, theorized by artists such as Filippo Brunelleschi and Leon Battista Alberti, influenced styles and trends of the following centuries throughout Europe and
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Jen těžko lze do knihy vměstnat víc úchvatných snímků koní, než se podařilo u této publikace. Na 448 stranách velkého formátu přináší úžasné záběry osmnácti plemen koní z různých světadílů, zemí i kul
Könemann | 2 Obchody
Cuba is synonymous with sugar and tobacco. This opulent landscape picture book captivates with its beautiful nature photographs and insightful cityscapes. cigars, rum and revolution, classic cars and
Könemann | 2 Obchody
Imagine a sea of sand dunes the size of a European country, a world in motion, exquisite ridge lines perfectly sculpted by the winds and stretching to a layered horizon. Or a remote mountain massif in
Könemann | 2 Obchody
Between 1890 and the beginning of the First World War, a new international style developed in architecture and design. Following the example of the English Arts and Crafts movement, the representative
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Snow-capped Himalayan mountains, palm-fringed sandy beaches, impenetrable tropical jungles and majestic tigers, wild elephants and brilliant birds are just some of the attractions India has to offer i
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Norway is known for its mountains, glaciers and deeply cut coastal fjords. Bergen, with its typical colorful wooden houses, is a popular starting point for boat trips into the dramatic Sognefjord. Thi
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Australia, situated between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, is rich in rainforest, deserts, and mountains. Geological wonders such as the Uluru, the Outback or the Great Barrier Reef characterize the c
Könemann | 2 Obchody
Painting from 1200 to 1500 is a mirror of its time, marked by deep religiousness as well as progressive tendencies, by economic prosperity as well as devastating wars and epidemics. A religious perspe
Könemann | 2 Obchody
Canada borders the United States to the south and the Arctic Circle to the north. This results in a landscape diversity with endless forest areas in the south and ice and rock areas in the north, beyo