PEARSON Education Limited

*Interesting and relevant topics teenagers relate to *Real Time photo story with related exercises using functional language, real contexts and situations *Words2know provide clear focus on vocabulary
*Interesting and relevant topics teenagers relate to *Real Time photo story with related exercises using functional language, real contexts and situations *Words2know provide clear focus on vocabulary
Český pracovní sešit obsahuje pokyny ke cvičením v češtině, anglicko-český slovníček s výslovností, přehled gramatiky v češtině, maturitní slovníček, databanku slovní zásoby k české maturitě rozděleno
Kniha: Real Life Elementary Workbook CZ Edition; Autor: Foody Liz; Učebnice angličtiny pro střední školy, Pearson, český pracovní sešit, příprava k maturitě (elementary. Pracovní sešit)
Kniha: Real Life Pre-Intermediate Workbook CZ Edition; Autor: Reilly Patricia; Real Life je zcela nová řada učebnic určená pro výuku angličtiny na středních odborných školách. ( úroveň Pre - Intermedi
Real Life brings to life and makes learning English enjoyable and achievable through practical tasks and evocative topics. Real Life gives students English to talk about issues that are important to t
Grammar practice with grammar reference on the same page with simple explanations and examples.* Exam practice tasks in the skills section.* Extensive writing practice to build skills for typical exam
Interesting and relevant topics teenagers relate to *Real Time photo story with related exercises using functional language, real contexts and situations *Words2know provide clear focus on vocabulary
Interesting and relevant topics teenagers relate to Real Time photo story with related exercises using functional language, real contexts and situations Words2know provide clear focus on vocabulary an