Day 88 (Project-9): Deploying Django Todo App on AWS EC2 with Kubernetes 🌟

Project Description 📝 In this project, we embark on deploying a Django Todo application on AWS EC2 utilizing a Kubeadm Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes Cluster aids in auto-scaling and auto-healing, enhancing the reliability and scalability of our app...

Dart Inheritance and Method Overriding in Dart: A Comprehensive Guide— Part5
  1. Inheritance Definition and Importance: Inheritance is a core principle of object-oriented programming where a new class, called a subclass or derived class, can inherit properties and methods from an existing class, known as a superclass or base c...
Get Started with Flutter for Beginners (Setup)

Hey y'all. This is the first episode on how to get started with flutter for beginners (setup) You’ll need to setup your local machine first to begin writing code in Flutter. Setup your development environment First, you’ll need to download and instal...

Becoming an Expert in Flutter with Clean Architecture: The Implementation-Part 3


Heleww there 👋🏻, welcome again or welcome if you are coming here for the first time. Thanks for clicking on this blog and taking the time to read it.

I'm writing a series on Clean Architecture in Flutter, and this is the last article...

CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) com Firebase Cloud Firestore no Flutter

Fala, devs. Blz? Hoje vamos dar continuidade a série "Dominando o Firebase em Aplicativos Flutter" uma sequência de artigos sobre as principais funcionalidades do Firebase e como integrá-las ao seu aplicativo Flutter.💙 Seja para autenticação de usuá...

Mastering TextStyle - Part 1

Let's say placing Text with its ancestor MaterialApp and Scaffold, you will see the black-colored text on your screen. void main() { runApp( const MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( body: Text('Hi, it\'s Chooyan Here'), ), ), ...

Using flutter's compute method with image_picker

Introduction Loading multiple images with the image_picker plugin can be a memory intensive task and your app can be killed on Android if the device is low on memory. This is a guide on how to offload this task to a dart isolate without using Isolate...

Consistent Data Encryption in Android, iOS, and Flutter Apps with AES

Background In today’s digital world, ensuring data security is paramount. We entrust our devices with sensitive information, and protecting that data is crucial for us. Maintaining consistent security practices can be challenging when developing apps...

Dart  Iterable  Contains().


Whether the collection contains an element equal to element.

This operation will check each element in order for being equal to element, unless it has a more efficient way to find an element equal to element. Stops iterating on the first...

Dart Iterable Skip() & SkipWhile()


This method skips the first elements from the iterable and returns a new iterable that starts after those elements.


This method skips elements while a condition is true, and once the condition becomes false for an element, it st...
