
posty wysłane przez: Tomas_r2
OpenAI Files Trademark Application for GPT-5 via @sejournal, @kristileilani

OpenAI files for GPT-5 trademark, indicating continued advancements in AI, natural language processing, and machine learning.

The post OpenAI Files Trademark Application for GPT-5 appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Nádherné dinosauří mumie

…aneb Když fosilizovaný dinosaurus vypadá, jako by zemřel před pár týdny

10mo |
Lockheed Martin zvyšuje výkon laserové zbraně na půl megawattu

300 kW laserový zbraňový systém byl cool a úspěšný. Lockheed Martin ale neusnuli na vavřínech. Dalších metou je praktický, lehký, výkonný a spolehlivý 500 kW laser. Pokud uspějí, měl by likvidovat větší, odolnější a pohyblivější cíle než jeho předchůdci. Čekejte laserovou show na bojištích.

10mo |
#392 – Joscha Bach: Life, Intelligence, Consciousness, AI & the Future of Humans

Joscha Bach is a cognitive scientist, AI researcher, and philosopher. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:


EPISODE LINKS: Joscha's Twitter: Joscha's Website: http://b

YouTube Experiments With AI Auto-Generated Summaries via @sejournal, @kristileilani

YouTube is testing AI auto-generated summaries on select videos. Find out how this could impact viewer engagement and video optimization strategies.

The post YouTube Experiments With AI Auto-Generated Summaries appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

The Impact of AI On Jobs: An Interview With Dr. Craig Froehle via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

In an interview with SEJ, Professor Froehle discusses AI's role in reshaping jobs, emphasizing continuous learning and responsible AI practices.

The post The Impact of AI On Jobs: An Interview With Dr. Craig Froehle appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Meta To Launch AI Chatbots With Distinct Personas via @sejournal, @kristileilani

How will Meta's AI chatbots with dozens of distinct personalities transform social media engagement? Find out with a reported sneak peak at the new feature.

The post Meta To Launch AI Chatbots With Distinct Personas appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Europe’s ‘dark universe’ telescope returns first images of deep space

Europe’s new space telescope Euclid has returned its first sparkling images of deep space, in a “tantalising glimpse” of what is to come.  The images are not only mesmerising, but they also show that all the telescope’s instruments are running smoothly. This

10mo | The Next Web
New DeepMind AI model can control robotic actions it was never trained to do

Google DeepMind has a new AI model that can control robotic tasks it’s never been trained to do. Named RT-2, the model learns from web and robotics data. It then turns this information into simple instructions for machines. In tests, the model was asked to perf

10mo | The Next Web
Can we regulate AI without stifling innovation? Here’s what experts think

Whether it’s excitement, confusion, apprehension, or outright pessimism, everyone feels something about AI. So it was no surprise that AI technology was one of the main talking points at The Next Web Conference 2023. In the wake of the EU Parliament’s decision to

10mo | The Next Web
New hope for Microsoft-Activision deal after UK regulator reopens consultation

The UK’s antitrust watchdog has called for more public input on Microsoft’s bid for Activision-Blizzard, renewing hopes that the deal will be approved. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) originally blocked the $69bn (€63bn) merger in April. At the ti

10mo | The Next Web
UK’s first drone delivery service launches in remote Scottish islands

Remote communities off the Scottish coast are now the first people in the UK to have their mail delivered by drone.  Royal Mail and London-based Skyports Drone Services launched the project to make it easier for residents of Orkney, located off the nort

10mo | The Next Web
Why It’s Time To Reinvent And Future-Proof Your Approach To Content Marketing via @sejournal, @purnavirji

Content marketing doesn't have to be a factory assembly line. Unleash inspiring, high impact content by learning 5 things marketers get wrong.

The post Why It’s Time To Reinvent And Future-Proof Your Approach To Content Marketing appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Tech is breaking accessibility barriers in transport — here’s how

According to WHO, people with disabilities represent 16% of the world population. They also find transportation 15 times more challenging than non-disabled individuals. But for mobility to truly be sustainable, it has to go beyond reducing emissions; it has

10mo | The Next Web
Shapel Free CSS Template

The Shapel Template has a Responsive layout with 3 Columns and uses an HTML 5 doctype.

     <p>It is a Dark on Light design developed by "HTML Design".</p>

10mo | Css
From startup to Google and back again (Ep. 595)

Ben and Cassidy talk with programmer and developer advocate Sean Falconer, Head of Developer Relations and Marketing at Skyflow, ex-Googler, and host of the podcasts Partially Redacted and Software Engineering Daily.

The post From startup to Google and back again (Ep. 595) appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.


Podhoubí – materiál budoucnosti?

Houby nejsou jen plodnice, které vidíme vyrůstat z půdy nebo zpráchnivělého dřeva. Je to především velká hustá síť vláken mycelia. Podhoubí lze ve vhodném substrátu cíleně pěstovat, což u některých dřevokazných druhů nabízí netradiční a možná i perspektivní možnosti využití zcela mimo potravinářský průmysl. Jako materiál zajímavý pro stavebnictví, nebo při výrobě oděvů, bot a doplňků, kde má potenciál nahradit pravou kůži.

10mo |
Google: Linking To Authoritative Sites Won’t Help SEO via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google's John Mueller: Linking to high-authority sites doesn't help search rankings. Focus on useful links that benefit users.

The post Google: Linking To Authoritative Sites Won’t Help SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Telecoms giant BT wants to turn old broadband boxes into EV chargers

The innovation arm of British telecoms giant BT — called Etc. — is looking to convert the Group’s street cabinets into EV charging points. The big green cabinets, a common sight across the UK, are currently used for providing copper-based broadband and phone servi

10mo | The Next Web
World’s tallest wooden wind turbine is ‘stronger than steel’

There’s a wind turbine being built in the forests of Sweden — or should I say from the forests. Budding startup Modvion, based in the Scandinavian country, is currently building the world’s tallest wooden wind turbine, and it’s on track for completion this ye

10mo | The Next Web
7 Top Tips To Become A GA4 Pro (Even If You’re A Beginner) via @sejournal, @adsliaison

Discover new time-saving and advanced-level features GA4 offers that UA didn’t, key resources you may have missed and more to fast-track your GA4 learning curve.

The post 7 Top Tips To Become A GA4 Pro (Even If You’re A Beginner) appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Virtual worlds pioneer targets sports for revival of metaverse dream

On a typical visit to a sports stadium, you don’t bump into 20-metre-tall giants outside the gates. But this isn’t your typical sports stadium. It’s the MLB virtual ballpark — the first metaverse for a pro sports league. The venue opened on July 8, for a watc

10mo | The Next Web
Na vývoji mladičkého vesmíru se zřejmě podepsaly ohromující bubbletrony

Když čerstvě zrozený vesmír vychládal, procházel fázovými přechody, v nichž mohla realita bublat nesmírně energetickými bublinami, které se navzájem srážely, extrémně urychlovaly částice a vyráběly exotické objekty. Tyto úžasné bubbletrony mohly rozvlnit vesmír gravitačními vlnami, které bychom s trochou štěstí mohli zachytit i dnes.

10mo |
Severokorejci předvedli velký torpédový dron, co by mohl nést jadernou hlavici

V severokorejském Pchjongjangu se odehrála vojenská přehlídka. Mimo jiné tam defilovaly torpédové drony, které by měly být podobné ruskému systému Poseidon, především ve schopnosti jaderného útoku z moře. Na rozdíl od Poseidonu ale určitě nemají jaderný pohon ani možnost vypuštění z velké ponorky, což značně omezuje jejich případné nasazení.

10mo |
Be Barrier Free

I am sure that I am not alone in thinking, “My site is so small; I don’t have to worry about it”. “I have a focused user base; everything is fine.” “Nobody has complained, so it must not be a problem.”

The post Be Barrier Free appeared first on php[architect].

10mo | PHP Architect
Managing Successful SEO Migrations via @sejournal, @TaylorDanRW

Set your migration up for success and a better user experience. From an initial drop in traffic to redirects, here's everything you need to know.

The post Managing Successful SEO Migrations appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Námořní slavnost a přilehlé fresky z Akrotiri

Freska zvaná Námořní slavnost neboli Procesí lodí patří k významným výtvarným památkám egejské doby bronzové. Pochází z Akrotiri na Théře (Santorini), nejspíše ze 17. století před n. l. Doprovázejí ji další fresky, často také s námořní tematikou.

10mo |
Google Updates Product Ratings Policies On Automated AI Content via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Google updates its policies on Product Ratings, encouraging merchants to mark reviews with primarily automated and AI-generated content as spam.

The post Google Updates Product Ratings Policies On Automated AI Content appeared first on Search Engine Journal.


Google Expands Site Names For Subdomains On All Devices In Four Languages via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Google announces site names for subdomains on all devices in four languages and shares a workaround for unselected preferred site names.

The post Google Expands Site Names For Subdomains On All Devices In Four Languages appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

OpenAI Publishes Tutorial For AI-Generated Meeting Minutes via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Discover how OpenAI's GPT-4 and Whisper models could revolutionize the way we transcribe and summarize meeting minutes with AI automation.

The post OpenAI Publishes Tutorial For AI-Generated Meeting Minutes appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

Generative AI could undermine upcoming elections in US and India, startup warns

AI image generators could undermine upcoming elections in the world’s biggest democracies, according to new research Logically, a British fact-checking startup, investigated AI’s capacity to produce fake images about elections in India, the US, and the UK. Ea

10mo | The Next Web
European consumers believe society isn’t ready for AI, survey finds

The rapid rise of AI has evoked mixed feelings to say the least. Some experts champion it as a “force for good,” while others forewarn it poses a “risk of extinction.” To assess how European consumers feel about artificial intelligence, decision intelligence c

10mo | The Next Web
These antimicrobial spacesuits could solve astronauts’ laundry woes

Wardrobe malfunctions are never fun. When on Earth, they might be a nuisance or prove somewhat embarrassing. In space however, they could be a matter of life and death. Not to mention, how do you handle, uhm, laundry on the Moon? The European Space Agenc

10mo | The Next Web
O osminohých zlatých přadlenách

Staré pohádky jsou půvabné příběhy propletené tajemstvím, fantazií i poučením. Taký je i reálný svět kolem nás, plný živých organismů – rostlin, tvorů, tvorečků. Čím jsou pro nás běžnější, všednější, tím méně se o ně zajímáme, natož abychom obdivovali jejich překvapivé vlastnosti či schopnosti. Koho potěší pavouk jakoby levitující ve vzduchu, ve skutečnosti zachycený na vlastním, téměř neviditelném vláknu? Je jemné, pružné, sestaveno z mnoha ještě tenčích bílkovinových fibril, přesto mnohem pevn

10mo |
Hlavním spouštěčem Sněhové koule mohlo být apokalyptické soptění

Naše Země před 717 miliony let zmrzla na kost. Bylo by skvělé vědět proč. Pokročilé datování zirkonu z pravěké lávy v kanadské Arktidě potvrzuje jako hlavního podezřelého katastrofální soptění Franklinovy velké magmatické provincie, které o 1-2 miliony let předcházelo příchodu Sněhové koule.

10mo |
VanMoof: What startups can learn from the rise and fall of an ebike superstar

Since launching in 2009, VanMoof, known for its sleek, high-tech city bikes, developed an almost cult-like following — from the streets of Amsterdam to New York.  Today, what was once the world’s most-funded ebike startup is bankrupt, leaving riders angry,

10mo | The Next Web
These tiny robotic tentacles could travel into the lungs to treat cancer

Scientists have developed tiny robotic tentacles that travel into the lungs to detect and treat cancer. The device is just 2.4 mm in diameter and ultra-soft.  It’s sent to the periphery of the lungs from the end of a bronchoscope — a thin tube with a light an

10mo | The Next Web
Google Shares How It Treats .AI Domains For SEO via @sejournal, @martinibuster

Google's Gary Illyes answers a question about the SEO considerations of using the .AI top level domain which is associated with a Caribbean island

The post Google Shares How It Treats .AI Domains For SEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal.

European startups: I think we’re going to need a better battery

Next year, a Dutch company will put a new kind of battery in a drone and — if all goes according to plan — that drone will fly for 50% longer than it could with a standard lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery. Flight times of nearly an hour, say, rather t

10mo | The Next Web
ArtXibition Free CSS Template

The ArtXibition Template has a Responsive layout with 4 Columns and uses an HTML 5 doctype.

     <p>It is a Dark on Light design developed by "Tooplate".</p>

10mo | Css
Microsoft’s Teams and Office bundling may breach EU competition rules

On Thursday, the European Commission opened an antitrust investigation into Microsoft’s bundling of its Teams app with its Office suite, which includes Word, Excel, and Outlook. The EU is concerned that this practice may be in breach of the bloc’s competition

10mo | The Next Web
Announcing OverflowAI

Let’s highlight the new features and products we announced today from the stage of WeAreDevelopers.

The post Announcing OverflowAI appeared first on Stack Overflow Blog.

Magie materiálů: DNA potažená nanosklem je čtyřikrát pevnější než ocel

Pevný jako sklo. Zní to bláznivě, ale sklo je opravdu neuvěřitelně pevné, pokud ovšem v jeho struktuře není žádný kaz. Toho téměř není možné dosáhnout, pokud ovšem nevyrobíte sklo tenčí než jeden mikrometr. Když takovým ultratenkým sklem potáhnete důmyslně navržené řetězce DNA, dostanete tak pevný a zároveň lehký materiál, že před ním ocel červená studem.

10mo |
New zinc battery tech can store and produce green hydrogen on demand

While our transition to renewable energy is critical if we are tomeet our climate targets, fully relying on sources such as solar and wind still presents a major challenge: efficient and sustainable storage. Now, a German research consortium led by Fraunhofer

10mo | The Next Web
Lead Scoring: The Value In B2B Marketing via @sejournal, @macuraa

Unlock your company's full potential with lead scoring and increase revenue. Read the best practices to follow, including types of lead scoring, benefits, and more.

The post Lead Scoring: The Value In B2B Marketing appeared first on Search Engine Journal.