
príspevky od Tomas_r2
Fixing Bugs With PHPStan

I don’t need to tell you, but as developers, bugs are a constant challenge. We can do everything in our power to test the code that we’re writing as we’re writing it. But that’s just not good enough. That’s because our changes affect other people’s code in ways we can’t expect, and their changes affect […]

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10mo | PHP Architect
Why Do Local Businesses Have To Worry About Content Marketing And How Should They Do It? via @sejournal, @JRiddall

Consider practical tips to implement effective content marketing strategies to boost brand awareness, establish online authority, engage customers and drive business growth.

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Making event-driven development predictable with Discover

SPONSORED BY DISCOVER FINANCIAL On this sponsored episode of the podcast, Ben and Ryan chat with Paul Manning and Emanuele Pugliese of Discover Financial about the tech that goes into payments and the way they approach developer experience and architecture. They talk about domain-driven design, event-driven architecture, Kafka Streams, and how they leverage all that…

The post

Farmáři by mohli pomoct s oteplenou planetou pěstováním kamenů na polích

Nikdy nepodceňujte sílu geologických procesů. Farmaření s drcenou lávou, nejlépe v horkých a vlhkých tropech, by během pár desítek let mohlo vycucnout z atmosféry ohromné množství uhlíku. Kyselý déšť s oxidem uhličitým reaguje s lávou za vzniku karbonátů, které pak odtečou do oceánu. Je to jednoduché a účinné.

10mo |
V poslední třetině srpna se chystá přistání na pólu Měsíce

Už brzy by na jižním měsíčním pólu mohl přistát první vesmírný automat, nebo dokonce dva. Chystají se k tomu indická sonda Čandrájan 3 a ruská Luna 25. Pól by mohl být nejvhodnější oblastí pro pozemskou základnu. Jsou zde místa, kde Slunce nezapadá a lze stále využívat fotovoltaiku. Zároveň jsou zde krátery, kde nikdy sluneční paprsky nedopadají a mohl by zde být led.

10mo |
Google: We Don’t Use Third-Party SEO Tool Scores For Rankings via @sejournal, @MattGSouthern

Google doesn't use third-party SEO tool scores for search rankings, but the tools still provide useful optimization insights.

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How online safety tech is failing women

A team of researchers at King’s College London, has demonstrated that, despite being the more vulnerable group when it comes to cyber abuse, women engage much less than men with security and privacy tech.  Led by Dr Kovila Coopamootoo, lecturer in Computer Scien

10mo | The Next Web
This debit card lets you fund scientific research while you spend

The UK’s first bank account dedicated to accelerating science and technology is set to launch next month.  Science Card is the brainchild of Daniel Baeriswyl — during his PhD in biomedical engineering at UCL, he cultivated an appreciation of the importance

10mo | The Next Web
Ireland’s Alchemy battles e-waste by giving Apple products a new life

Many of us have become accustomed to getting the newest, flashiest versions of our favourite gadgets, leaving yesterday’s tech destined for the dustbin. In 2022, the global economy produced 50 million tonnes of e-waste — equi

10mo | The Next Web
19 List Building Techniques For SaaS Link Building [With Templates] via @sejournal, @_kevinrowe

Link building for SaaS companies requires leveraging unique content resources and implementing strategic techniques. Discover 19 tried and tested list building techniques today.

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How To Thrive in Turbulent Times: Actionable Strategies For Securing Your SEO Budget via @sejournal, @hethr_campbell

As businesses grapple with inflation, layoffs, and budget cuts, you may be under more pressure than ever to deliver tangible SEO results with limited resources.  And in today’s challenging economic climate, you may find yourself having to tirelessly defend your budget and prove your value to stakeholders. Your senior executives want to make sure they’re getting the best bang for their buck. So, how do you meet leadership’s rising expectations and maximize their ROI? How can you demonstrate th

Digian Free CSS Template

The Digian Template has a Responsive layout with 4 Columns and uses an HTML 5 doctype.

     <p>It is a Dark on Light design developed by "HTML Design".</p>

10mo | Css
Angel and seed funding remain insulated from startup market volatility: Report

Angel and seed funding in Europe are remarkably resilient to the startup market downturn, according to new research by Pitchbook. In the first half of 2021, noth median deal values and valuations in these stages exhibited positive trends The biggest increase

10mo | The Next Web
Want better answers from your data? Ask better questions

Tim Tutt, CEO and cofounder of Night Shift Development, tells the home team about his work in deploying large-scale search and discovery analytics, why he’s working to help nontechnical users understand and utilize their business data, and how GenAI is teaching people to ask better questions.

The post Want better answers from your data? Ask better questions appear

Chemici konečně zjistili, jaký tvar má vlastně lithium

Píše se rok 2023. Přesto, i když je to nanejvýš pozoruhodné, doposud nikdo s jistotou nevěděl, jak skutečně vypadá lithium. Mělo to jasný a pochopitelný důvod. Ale bylo to samozřejmě stresující. Teď už to víme. A tento průlomový objev by mohl zásadně přispět k vývoji pokročilých technologií, například vylepšených lithium-kovových baterií.

10mo |
German chancellor says push for renewables will revive economy

Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz says he believes forthcoming green tech investments will benefit the country’s stagnated economy as a whole. In a ‘summer interview’ with public broadcaster ZDF, the chancellor stated that the government has “moved at an

10mo | The Next Web
Einstein, Newton could have been wrong about gravity, Gaia telescope data reveals

A groundbreaking study, based on observations from the European Space Agency’s billion-pixel Gaia space telescope, has revealed a “gravitational anomaly” that challenges our fundamental understanding of the universe. The anomaly occurs wh

10mo | The Next Web
Composition co-written by AI performed by choir and published as sheet music

Ed Newton-Rex, a creative AI pioneer and VP Audio at Stability AI, says that he’s become the first author to publish a piece of classical music that uses generative AI. The musician and entrepreneur wrote his “I stand in the library,” a piece for th

10mo | The Next Web
YouTube Strategic Direction Revealed Over Three Key Events in 2023 via @sejournal, @gregjarboe

Gain insight from 3 important events that revealed YouTube's multidimensional approach - so you can adapt your own video marketing strategy.

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Ostře sledovaný bojový dron Valkyrie poprvé pilotovala umělá inteligence

Umělá inteligence programu Skyborg Vanguard, kterou vyvíjí americké letectvo, se nedávno poprvé proletěla s autonomním tryskovým bojovým dronem XQ-58A Valkyrie. V budoucnu by autonomní drony měly operovat samostatně, v hejnech autonomních dronů anebo v týmech, společně s letouny pilotovanými lidskou posádkou.

10mo |
Poučka neplatí: Fyzici zjistili, jak se zvuk může přenášet skrz vakuum

Ne, že by se zvuk mohl šířit ve vakuu, pokud je to opravdu vakuum bez vzduchu. Ale zvukové vlny mohou vakuum „přeskočit,“ pokud jde o prostor s vakuem, který se nachází mezi dvěma piezoelektrickými materiály. Kromě zlomyslné škodolibosti nad zpochybněním učebnicových pouček by objev mohl nalézt praktické uplatnění například v mikromechanice.

10mo |
Surfing pro titány: Na hvězdném monstru se valí vlny vysoké jako 3 Slunce

Pokud existuje ráj surfařů, nachází se na obří hvězdě binárního systému „tepající hvězdy“ MACHO 80.7443.1718. Slapové síly tam zvedají zběsile energetické vlny plazmatu, jejichž velikost odpovídá třem na sebe naskládaným Sluncím. Nikdo by to nechtěl zažít na vlastní kůži, z bezpečné vzdálenosti to musí být fascinující podívaná.

10mo |
Instagram Unveils Carousel Music, Collabs, And Add Yours Sticker via @sejournal, @kristileilani

Instagram adds new features for photo carousels, collaboration with other users, and the ability to invite your audience to submit user generated content.

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UK’s promise to protect encrypted messaging is ‘delusional,’ say critics

The British government’s promise to protect encryption has been pilloried by security experts and libertarians. The dispute stems from a section of the Online Safety Bill. Under the legislation, messaging apps would be forced to provide access to private commun

10mo | The Next Web