

In recent years the Russian government, concerned about sustaining its economic performance, has sought to promote more diversified and broader economic growth beyond the profitable natural-resource s
We are now acutely aware, as if all of the sudden, that data matters enormously to how we live. How did information come to be so integral to what we can do? How did we become people who effortlessly
“Excellent background research . . . on-site investigations of mysteries ranging from crop circles and lake monsters to spiritualist mediums and stigmata.” —Booklist As a former private investig
A funny, colorful, fascinating tour through the work and life of one of today’s most influential graphic designers. Esquire. Ford Motors. Burton Snowboards. The Obama Administration. While all of th
Starting in the 1950s, US physicists dominated the search for elementary particles; aided by the association of this research with national security, they held this position for decades. In an effort
Examines the challenges of learning both language and content in the same class, and reviews classroom-based research on instructional practices that can meet those challenges in primary and secondary
Helps teachers understand research evidence in language assessment for students aged 5-18, and to develop an ability to design, implement and critically evaluate language assessment, with reference to
Dreamscapes of Modernity offers the first book-length treatment of sociotechnical imaginaries, a concept originated by Sheila Jasanoff and developed in close collaboration with Sang-Hyun Kim to descri
Helps teachers of young learners introduce and practise grammar in a fun and motivating way. Steers a middle course between grammar-based and communicative approaches to teaching: meaning is the main
Gathering people together for a special event is always a challenge even for the experienced planner for each event is unique. This book is designed to empower any planner to meet all challenges that
Many primary schools across the world are introducing Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). This resource book for primary teachers provides appropriate, easy-to-use resources for teaching
The Roman statesman and philosopher Seneca (4 BCE–65 CE) recorded his moral philosophy and reflections on life as a highly original kind of correspondence. Letters on Ethics includes vivid descripti