
Humans have been building homes from wood for thousands of years, and yet, in a contemporary world of option and innovation, the most primitive resource could in fact be the most pertinent. Stretching
Gestalten | 2 Obchody
Great inspiration for small spaces! Petite Places presents clever solutions for compact living. From living rooms and kitchens to bedrooms and bathrooms, small spaces can offer immense possibilities,
Gestalten | 2 Obchody
VELO City continues the celebration of the bicycle and its ongoing (r)evolution, because cycling is far more than just an eco-friendly connection from A to B. For a cycling enthusiast, only the perfec
This Monocle book tells us how to turn a house into a home. Both a practical guide and a great source of inspiration, The Monocle Guide to Cosy Homes presents the interiors, furniture, and locations y
While everyone has a morning ritual, each is rich in details and differences. Stay for Breakfast presents breakfast ideas for a cornucopia of occasions.The book’s recipes offer readers the opportunity
The powerful queen termite receives chemical messages from members of her colony. The galago, also known as a bush baby, has especially powerful night vision that can pierce even the deepest dark. Wit
Step into the woods?—refuge and escape and home. Some go there to hike or fish. The people and projects presented in this book do so much more. Join them as they gather honey from wild hives and pick
Pedal through the paths less known They say that what matters is the journey and not the destination, and that couldn’t be more accurate when it comes to bicycle touring. Pack your bag! Taking the roa
Gestalten | 2 Obchody
Follow Farmlife on the path from farm to table: whether handmade goat cheese, hearty meatballs, or fresh honey, there is a culinary connection between a plot of land and your plate of food. Farmers, c
Gestalten | 2 Obchody
Gestalten Monocle Guide to Shops, Kiosks and Markets - příručka pro všechny ctižádostivé obchodníky. Kniha nabízí nejlepší tipy a rady jak navrhnout, zahájit a provozovat svůj vlastní obchod. Bohatý p
Gestalten Monocle Guide to Hotels, Inns and Hideaways - berlínské nakladatelství Gestalten ve spolupráci s londýnským magazínem Monocle vytvořilo hotelový manuál pro turisty i hoteliéry. Dozvíte se, k
> Na produkty této značky nelze uplatnit slevu.Mnozí z nás touží odjet alespoň na chvilku a ukrýt se někde v přírodě. Rostoucí popularita karavanů, dodávek či jiných vozidel upravených k útěku z reali