Building Your I.T. Career

Through overview material this book introduces and explains career concepts, anecdotal examples that show how and where those concepts apply, and by provides clear tasks and lists of achievable directives. The result is a clearly understood and well-defined list of objectives for the forward-thinking I.T. careerist.   Broken into sections, each building upon the other, the book will also include online supplemental material in the form of documents, spreadsheets, and videos. The online supplemental material will ensure the greatest degree of accuracy on specific topics and provide a connection with the student, the author, and the topics in question.   In addition to covering career concepts and the standard career information, such as resumes, interviews, cover-letters, on the job advancement, professional networking, writing and speaking skills, moving into management, and how to deal with various bosses and co-workers, the Toolkit will provide advice on how to manage an online presence — social media and personal blogging — and how to use those tools to advance a student's career.   The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you will receive via email the code and instructions on how to access this product. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.

Price history

Oct 25, 2021
