Kids Deserve It

What if learning was exciting ? What if students felt important and empowered every time they walked into the building? What if parents looked forward to calls from their children's teachers and principals, instead of cringing when the school's number popped up on their phones? To Todd Nesloney and Adam Welcome, those aren't far-fetched what ifs; they can (and should) be a reality for every teacher, school, parent, and student. In Kids Deserve It!, Todd and Adam encourage you to think big and make learning fun and meaningful for students. While you're at it, you just might rediscover why you became an educator in the first place. Learn why you should be calling parents to praise your students (and employees). Discover ways to promote family interaction and improve relationships for kids at school and at home. Be inspired to take risks, shake up the status quo, and be a champion for your students. #KidsDeserveIt

Price history

Jan 27, 2022
Jan 24, 2022
Jan 18, 2022
Jan 17, 2022
Jan 11, 2022
Jan 4, 2022
Dec 28, 2021
Dec 21, 2021
Dec 13, 2021
Dec 7, 2021
