The great Fruit of the Loom logo mystery is solved

The Fruit of the Loom logo has never had a cornucopia in it. It’s just your brain tricking you.

The Curious Case of Cursive

Designers value script and states are reinstating cursive’s education, yet Gen-Z can’t read it and brands are straying from it. We explore.

One size does not fit all

The tools you choose for your stack is key for any project. One-size-fits-all solutions may appeal, but they are usually more trouble than they are worth.

AI image generator — Sketch-to-Image for designers

Powered by ever-evolving algorithms, AI image generators harness the vast potential of machine learning to generate high-quality images from basic sketches.

The Designer Who Makes Movie Posters Worthy of Museums

You’ve seen Dawn Baillie’s posters for thrillers, comedies and dramas outside cineplexes. Now her work is being exhibited at Poster House in Manhattan.

AI will mean more programmers, not fewer

AI will not replace programming. Instead AI, combined with the power of visual programming platforms, will help more people than ever become programmers
